Category : AI Ethics and Bias | Sub Category : Explainable AI Posted on 2023-07-07 21:24:53
Demystifying Explainable AI: Shedding Light on the Black Box
Artificial Intelligence has become an important part of our daily lives, from personalized product recommendations on e-commerce websites to voice assistants. The need for transparency and accountability has increased as the complexity of the systems has increased. This has led to the emergence of explainable artificial intelligence, a field that tries to understand and interpret the decisions made by the machines. In this post, we will discuss the importance of Explainable Artificial Intelligence, and explore some techniques used to make it more transparent.
Understanding Explainable Artificial Intelligence.
Explainable artificial intelligence is the development of artificial intelligence that allows humans to understand the rationale behind decisions made. Deep learning models have been considered to be "black boxes" due to their complexity. The decisions made by these machines were difficult to understand, leaving users with limited understanding of why a particular prediction was made.
Explainable Artificial Intelligence: importance
1 Lack of transparency and interpretability can lead to distrust in the system. Users can understand and trust the technology if it is explainable.
2 Visibility into the decision-making process of artificial intelligence systems is an ethical consideration. Explainable artificial intelligence allows for the identification of biases, unfair practices, or unintended consequences.
3 The General Data Protection Regulation (GDPR) emphasizes the need for transparency and accountability, as the focus on data privacy and protection has increased. Explainable artificial intelligence plays a vital role in meeting the regulatory requirements by providing insights into how personal data is processed and decisions are made.
Techniques for explaining artificial intelligence.
1 Rule-based models explicitly state if-then rules to make decisions. The decision process can be traced back to the individual rules. They may lack the flexibility and complexity of more advanced artificial intelligence.
2 Local interpretable model-agnostic Explanations is a technique that explains the predictions of any machine learning model. It shows the most influential features for each prediction in easy to understand explanations.
3 The contribution of each feature to the predicted outcome is measured by the SHAP values. The numerical value assigns each feature a value that can be used to understand the final decision. The SHAP values can be used to explain predictions or analyze the model.
There is a gap between the human understanding and the complex artificial intelligence. It is important for building trust, ethical practices and complying with regulatory requirements. Rule-based approaches, LIME, and SHAP values can be used to make the use of artificial intelligence more transparent.
The development and adoption of explainable artificial intelligence will play a vital role in addressing concerns around fairness, bias, and trustworthiness. We can harness the benefits of this technology while maintaining accountability and transparency by illuminating the black box of the technology.